31 May 2006

What Chinese People Do Best.

No, not accounting.

Leave your taxes to the schmos at H&R Block.

I'm talking about eating. Chinese people may not appear to have voracious appetites, but they actually pride themselves as having discerning palates but yet aren't very choosy in what they eat. Prince Philip once quipped: "If it has four legs and is not a chair, has wings and is not an aeroplane, or swims and is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it." Chances are he's probably 90% right. I've decided to add entries relating to the food I will be eating in and around the Fragrant Harbour. Most of my friends love food, so how fitting is it to taunt them with food they can't have? Likewise, if I fall violently ill with a fatal case of botulism (boo, food poisoning; yay, Botox) as a result of enjoying said food, by God, I'd like to share it with you too.

First entries coming soon!


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