30 August 2006

My Laptop, a.k.a. LaLohan.

OK, after a month-long hiatus, I'm back to the blog. Not sure if people even noticed that I was gone for so long, anyway...crushed feelings put aside. Two weeks ago, I was painstakingly compiling a bunch of pictures from my trip for a blog update when my laptop of two years decided to pull a Lindsay Lohan and collapsed on its 'heat exhausted' ass. Yes, nowadays my computer is known as LaLohan because it's thin, slow, lazy, overheats easily, and makes a noise most similar to a purring Lindsay Lohan after a line of blow. I shall adorn my laptop cover with a new paint job. Pale beige and a few freckles, trimmed with a fiery Irish red along the edges. But what can I do to my computer that alludes to her rack enhancement? Anyway, my laptop is OK for now, after having gone through a shiteload of tsuris, but I've already started a fund for a new MacBook (a black one, of course). Someone, please take the liberty of starting a collection plate and pass it over when it's loaded with greens. I'm totally through with PCs, and not even the Apple-knock off Microsoft Vista and Office 2007 are enough to keep me from defecting. I tried the new Office, and it was akin to wearing sad haute couture knock offs, kinda like Club Monaco (zzzzzing!). Updates coming up... unless my laptop crashes.


Blogger Dr J said...

Wait a few months until they release the new OSX system; you don't want to invest all that money in a new laptop only to have an obsolete OS.
Welcome back, BTW.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Magalie said...

zing indeed!

6:49 AM  
Blogger the Beeb said...

Bah... I can't wait any...longer. Must..defect!

12:54 AM  

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